Category: XNA
XNA custom content writer/reader part 4: Dealing with inheritance and derived classes
This will probably be the last post in this series, at least for now. In part one I looked at the basics on how to create my own custom writer/reader. If you’re unfamiliar with the process, you might want read that to begin with. In the second part I showed how to load lists of […]
XNA custom content writer/reader part 3: Loading textures and other classes from XML files
My last post talked about how to easily read XML files with lists of other classes in them. Now the neat thing about this is that you can very easily modify the code to read any kind of class, including textures and sounds. One of the things I find slightly annoying is that you can’t […]
XNA custom content writer/reader part 2: Reading XML files that have classes within classes
In the last post of this series I showed how to write a simple content writer/reader pair. That basic example didn’t give you any benefits compared to the automated way of doing it, however it was a simple introduction on how to write a content writer/reader pair. In this post I’m going to take a […]
XNA custom content writer/reader part 1: Introduction
I did a post on automatic xnb serialization of classes within classes a while back. Now while the method works decently enough, I’ve realized it’s probably not the best way of going about doing it. I’m now using a different method. It’s a little bit trickier, as it involves using custom content writers and readers, […]
Tower Defense prototype update – now with sound!
I’ve uploaded another video of my Tower Defense prototype. I’ve managed to fix my audio drivers so it includes sound effects and music this time. Not a whole lot of visible changes since last time, since a lot of the stuff I’ve been working on has been underlying stuff.